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Send Messages in Oracle APEX using Twilio API


Twilio Integration with Oracle APEX 22.1

The objective of this blog post is to show you how to sent messages in Oracle APEX using Twilio API.

Before we get into the topic, let's take a look at the following link, which will help you to understand how you can get started with Twilio and call it's APIs in Oracle APEX.

Send Messages using Twilio API

Below are steps involved to get this process done.
  1. Get Twilio Account SID, AUTH Token and Phone Number
  2. Get Twilio Create Message API End Point
  3. Invoke Twilio Create Message API with Postman
  4. Invoke Twilio API to Sent Messages (Using PL/SQL)

I) Get Twilio Account SID, AUTH Token and Phone Number

Login Twilio with your credentials and It will take you to the console page where you could see your Twilio Account SID, AUTH Token and Phone Number.

II) Get Twilio Create Message API End Point

Step 1: You can get the end point from Console: Login --> Explore Products --> API Explorer

Step 2: Select "Programmable SMS" from the dropdown

Step 3: Expand "Messages" and click "Create a Message". Configure the attributes and then under "Request " you can find the end point.

III) Invoke Twilio Create Message API with Postman

Step 1: Define Twilio Account Id as global variable (account_sid) in postman. Click "Environment Quick Look" to define global variables.

Step 2: Setup Body by defining key and it's values

Step 3: Setup Authorization (Basic Authentication) and click "Send" button to call the API.

Note: When status code is between 200 and 299, then API is working fine.

IV) Invoke Twilio API to Send Messages (Using PL/SQL)

Step 1: Create a new blank page.

Step 2: Create a Form like below and call the procedure "send_messages_twilo" on button "Send" call.


You can download it from Github

API Success Response:

{ "sid":"SM02e4532468ca4c5c99a37b866c5c3701", "date_created":"Tue, 17 May 2022 12:38:49 +0000", "date_updated":"Tue, 17 May 2022 12:38:49 +0000", "date_sent":null, "account_sid":"AC2b7b7fffbc349c2f59c82f5bdaa0fd2b", "to":"+971582036853", "from":"+17755227844", "messaging_service_sid":null, "body":"Sent from your Twilio trial account - Thanks for showing interest to join Oracle APEX Community", "status":"queued", "num_segments":"1", "num_media":"0", "direction":"outbound-api", "api_version":"2010-04-01", "price":null, "price_unit":"USD", "error_code":null, "error_message":null, "uri":"/2010-04-01/Accounts/AC2b7b7fffbc349c2f59c82f5bdaa0fd2b/Messages/SM02e4532468ca4c5c99a37b866c5c3701.json", "subresource_uris":{ "media":"/2010-04-01/Accounts/AC2b7b7fffbc349c2f59c82f5bdaa0fd2b/Messages/SM02e4532468ca4c5c99a37b866c5c3701/Media.json" } }


SMS/Message sent to the mobile number which you defined.

That's it. Happy APEXing!

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