Solution: Step 1: Click Oracle Directories to understand about directory creation. Step 2: Create plsql procdure blob_to_file . It move BLOB files into respected database directories . CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE blob_to_file ( p_blob IN OUT nocopy BLOB, p_dir IN VARCHAR2, p_filename IN VARCHAR2) AS l_file utl_file.file_type; l_buffer RAW(32767); l_amount binary_integer := 32767; l_pos INTEGER := 1; l_blob_len INTEGER; BEGIN l_blob_len := dbms_lob.getlength(p_blob); -- Open the destination file. l_file := utl_file.fopen(p_dir, p_filename,'wb', 32767); -- Read chunks of the BLOB and write them to the file until complete. WHILE l_pos <= l_blob_len LOOP dbms_lob.READ(p_blob, l_amount, l_pos, l_buffer); ...
by Karkuvelraja Thangamariappan ♠ (@tkarkuvelraja)