Solution: Step 1: Click Oracle Directories to understand about directory creation. Step 2: Move BLOB files into Oracle Directory . Step 3: Create a PLSQL function file_exists, which will help us to check whether the given file exists in the given directory or not. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION file_exists ( p_dirname IN VARCHAR2, -- Put your oracle directory name p_filename IN VARCHAR2 ) RETURN BOOLEAN IS l_file_loc BFILE; l_exists NUMBER; BEGIN l_file_loc := bfilename(upper(p_dirname), p_filename); l_exists := dbms_lob.fileexists(l_file_loc); -- 1 exists; 0 - not exists IF l_exists = 1 THEN RETURN TRUE; elsif l_exists = 0 THEN RETURN FALSE; END IF; EXCEPTION...
by Karkuvelraja Thangamariappan ♠ (@tkarkuvelraja)