Analysis: From Oracle Apex 4.2, Inline dialog can be opened as modal dialog/popup using JS. Open inline dialog region as modal dialog: Step 1: Create static region. Step 2: Set Template => Inline Dialog. Step 3: Assign the static id to the region. Fig 1: Set template and Static ID Step 4: Create button or change one of the report column type to Link. (Action: Redirect URL). Step 5: Put the below JS to open the region as modal dialog. javascript:openModal('unitpricedetails'); Fig 2: Open simple modal dialog Open inline dialog region as modal dialog and pass values to the items: Common Steps: Step 1 to Step 4. Step 5: To pass value to that region, create P1_UNIT_ID in the inline dialog. javascript:$s('P1_UNIT_ID','#UNIT_ID#');javascript:openModal('unitpricedetai...
by Karkuvelraja Thangamariappan ♠ (@tkarkuvelraja)