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Showing posts from March, 2021

Plug In: Number Field with Decimal

It's a Number Field with Decimal Plugin In, which allow only Numeric Values and one DOT and Specified decimal value (2 or 4) in Number Field. Plug-In Details: DB versions:,,,,,,, APEX versions:,,  21.1.0 GitHub Project Page  |  Download  |  Demo Installation: Go to  GitHub  and export plugin file "item_type_plugin_orclking_number_field.sql" from Source directory and import it into your application. Steps to Achieve: Step 1:  Create a new blank page. Step 2:  Export plugin file  "item_type_plugin_orclking_number_field.sql"  from Source directory and import it into your application. Navigation:  Shared Components ==> Plug-ins ==> Import Plugin will be listed under plug-ins bucket after successful installation. Step 3: Create a region to the page. Region type should be Static Content . Step 4:  Creat...

Plug-In: APEX Google Pie Chart

This plug-in is used to render Google Pie Chart in Oracle APEX . This has been inspired by  Google Charts .  Google chart tools are powerful, simple to use, and free. We can try out Google's rich gallery of interactive charts and data tools. Plug-In Details: DB versions:,,,,,,,, APEX versions:   5.1.3,,,,,,,  21.1.0 GitHub Project Page | Download | Demo Installation: Go to GitHub  and export plugin file "region_type_plugin_orclking_google_piechart.sql" from Source directory and import it in your application. Steps to Achieve: Step 1: Create required objects (table, sequence, trigger) and populate sample data into a table. (As per your requirements) Step 2: Create a new blank page. Step 3: Export plugin file "region_type_plugin_orclking_google_piechart.sql" from Source directory...

Single Callback to Draw Multiple Google Charts in Oracle APEX

Here, I am giving you an elegant way to draw multiple google charts in  Oracle APEX  using single callback method. This has been inspired by  Google Charts .  Google chart tools are powerful, simple to use, and free. We can try out Google's rich gallery of interactive charts and data tools. For example, suppose you want to draw multiple charts (Pie, Bar, Line and Donut) , showing top 10 covid-19 infected countries as on today. The following example shows how to display both charts side-by-side. If you want to draw multiple charts for the same data, it may be more convenient to write a single callback for both charts. Fig 1: Pie, Bar, Line & Donut Charts Step 1:  Create required objects  (table, sequence, trigger)  and populate sample data into a  table . (As per your requirements) Step 2:  Create a new blank page. Step 3:  Create a region to the page. Change region type to  PLSQL Dynamic Content. Drawing Multiple Charts usi...

Google Pie Charts in Oracle APEX

Here, I am giving you an elegant way to build google pie chart in Oracle APEX . This has been inspired by Google Charts .  Google chart tools are powerful, simple to use, and free. We can try out Google's rich gallery of interactive charts and data tools. Step 1:  Create required objects  (table, sequence, trigger) and populate sample data into a  table . (As per your requirements) Step 2:  Create a new blank page. Step 3: Create a region to the page. Change region type to  PLSQL Dynamic Content. Making a 2D Pie Chart: Copy and paste below PLSQL code into the region's PLSQL code source. DECLARE l_task  VARCHAR2 ( 240 )  :=  'List out Top 10 Infected Countries' ; l_title  VARCHAR2 ( 240 )  :=  'Breakdown of Top 10 Infected Countries - 2D' ; l_chart_values  VARCHAR2 ( 4000 ); -- Getting Top 10 infected countries details CURSOR  cur_top10_countri...