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Showing posts from August, 2020

Switch the Chart between 2D and 3D in Oracle APEX

Here I am giving an example to switch the chart (any charts) between 2D and 3D in Oracle APEX. Step 1:  Create a page. Step 2:  Create chart region (any chart type) and set static id as below, Fig 1: Chart Region Fig 2: Set Static ID Step 3:  Create two region buttons as below, Fig 3: Region Buttons Step 4:  Create a dynamic action to switch between 3D to 2D as below, Fig 4: Dynamic Action Event:  Click Selection Type: Button Button:  2D True Action:  1)  Execute JavaScript Code apex.region("confirmedcases").widget().ojChart({styleDefaults: { 'threeDEffect': 'off' }}); Fig 5: Script Step 5:  Create a dynamic action to switch between 2D to 3D as below, Fig 6: Dynamic Action Event:  Click Selection Type:  Button Button: 3D True Action:  1)  Execute JavaScript Code apex.region("confirmedcases").widget().ojChart({styleDefaults: { 'threeDEffect': 'on' }}); Fig 7: Script Output: (2D View) Output:  (3D View) The demo is...

Check Uncheck All Checkboxes using Jquery in Oracle APEX

Here I am giving an example to check uncheck all checkboxes using Jquery in Oracle APEX. Step 1:  Create a Page. Step 2:  Create a Region. Step 3:  Create a Checkbox item. Step 4:  Create List of Value. Go to Shared Components. Click on List of Values under other components. Click on Create option to create LOV from scratch. Choose LOV source as "From Scratch" Give valid name and choose LOV type as "Static" Enter Static Display Values as below,          Step 5:  Go to page item's list of values and choose fxgn_checkbox_values (LOV) from shared components and set it. Step 5:  Go to Page item's Appearance and set Css Classes "check_uncheck_all_checkboxes" Step 6:  Go to Page item's Inline Help Text and copy and paste below HTML Code (Which will create a HTML Button) HTML Code: < button class = "t-Button t-Button--small" id = "check_box" type = "button" > Check All </ button > Step 7: Create a Dynamic ...