Here I am giving an example to check uncheck all checkboxes using Jquery in Oracle APEX.
Step 1: Create a Page.
Step 2: Create a Region.
Step 3: Create a Checkbox item.
Step 4: Create List of Value.
- Go to Shared Components.
- Click on List of Values under other components.
- Click on Create option to create LOV from scratch.
- Choose LOV source as "From Scratch"
- Give valid name and choose LOV type as "Static"
- Enter Static Display Values as below,
Step 5: Go to page item's list of values and choose fxgn_checkbox_values (LOV) from shared components and set it.
Step 6: Go to Page item's Inline Help Text and copy and paste below HTML Code (Which will create a HTML Button)
HTML Code:
<button class="t-Button t-Button--small" id="check_box" type="button">Check All</button>
Step 7: Create a Dynamic Action to check and uncheck all checkbox values as below,
Event: Click
Selection Type: jQuery Selector
jQuery Selector: #check_box
Type: JavaScript expression
JavaScript expression: $(this.triggeringElement).text() === "Check All"
True Action:
1) Execute JavaScript Code
$(".check_uncheck_all_checkboxes input[type=checkbox]").prop('checked', true);
$(this.triggeringElement).text('Uncheck All');
2) Execute PL/SQL Code
To submit checkbox values in apex session.
False Action:
1) Execute JavaScript Code
$(".check_uncheck_all_checkboxes input[type=checkbox]").prop('checked',false);
$(this.triggeringElement).text('Check All');
Output: (Checkbox Values)
Output: (Item Values in Session)
Click on Session option to view checkbox item values in apex session as below,
The demo is here
That's it.
Happy APEXing!!!...
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