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Showing posts from 2018

Recompiling Invalid/All schema objects in the database

Identifying Invalid Objects: Use all_objects table to identity invalid schema objects.  Oracle has given the default pkg to recompiling invalid/all schema objects in the database. SELECT owner,        object_type,        object_name,        status   FROM all_objects  WHERE status = 'INVALID'  ORDER BY owner,           object_type,           object_name; Custom Script:  When you have to compile "N" no of invalid objects in one go, the best approach is to write custom script as below, BEGIN   FOR cur IN(SELECT object_name,                     object_type,                     owner                FROM sys.all_objects               WHERE object_type  ...

Modifying Oracle APEX 18.2 Application Login Page

select * from apex_dictionary Objective : To modify you oracle apex application login page as per your imagination. Fig 1: Actual Login Page Step 1: Go to shared components => Static or Application files and upload required image. Design 1: Just add below CSS in inline CSS option in page header. .t-PageBody--login .t-Body { background-image : url (#APP_IMAGES#highway_dubai-1000x600.jpg); background-size : 100% auto; } .t-Login-header { display : none; } .t-Login-header { display : none; } .t-Login-container { float : right; margin-right : 2% ; top : 0px ; right : 0 ; position : absolute; } .t-Login-region { box-shadow : none; padding : 20px 15px 10px 15px ; width : 67% ; float : right; margin-top : 70px ; background : rgba (255, 255, 255, 0.59); border-radius : 17px ; } .t-Button--hot { font-family : Poppins-Regular; font-size : 15px !important ; width : 60% !important ; margin-left : 20% !important ; padding : 13px ...

Open modal/inline dialog in Oracle APEX using JS

Analysis: From Oracle Apex 4.2,  Inline dialog can be opened as modal dialog/popup using JS. Open inline dialog region as modal dialog: Step 1: Create static region. Step 2:  Set Template => Inline Dialog. Step 3:  Assign the static id to the region. Fig 1: Set template and Static ID Step 4:  Create button or change one of the report column type to Link. (Action: Redirect URL). Step 5:  Put the below JS to open the region as modal dialog.                javascript:openModal('unitpricedetails');            Fig 2:  Open simple modal dialog Open inline dialog region as modal dialog and pass values to the items: Common Steps:  Step 1 to Step 4. Step 5:  To pass value to that region, create P1_UNIT_ID in the inline  dialog.       javascript:$s('P1_UNIT_ID','#UNIT_ID#');javascript:openModal('unitpricedetai...

Add favicon in Oracle APEX 18.2 Application

Solution: Step 1:   Go to shared components and upload required image. Step 2:  Followed by go to user interface, there we can see the option called FAVICON. Add the below HTML code to the favicon HTML source. <link rel="icon" sizes="16x16" href="#APP_IMAGES#DAMAC-logo.png"> Output:


Analysis: When we tried to access the remote database ( when it was shut down )  objects via database link, system throws an error, Error: ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied ORA-02063: preceding line from APEX_EBS_DBLINK 01017. 00000 -  "invalid username/password; logon denied" *Cause:     *Action: Error at Line: 1 Column: 28 Solution:   Up the remote database and access.

Oracle APEX - Application Alias [APP_ALIAS]

Objective : How to i replace my App ID with custom name. Solution : Step 1: Click on "Edit Application Properties" . Step 2:  There you find a field called Application Alias, you just change it (Whichever alias you want) . Fig 1. Define Application Alias Step 3:  Add little bit JS on page load in App Global Page [ZERO] .                                                                                      Fig 2. Dynamic action JavaScript  Code: jQuery("a[href*='f?p=&APP_ID.:']").each(function(){ var vThis$ = jQuery(this); vThis$.attr("href",vThis$.attr("href").replace("=&APP_ID.:","=&APP_ALIAS.:")); }); Output: Once you have done the above steps, application URL will be like this,  h...