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Showing posts from July, 2020

Checkbox Font Color using HTML in Oracle APEX

  Here I am giving an example to change checkbox font color using HTML in Oracle APEX. Step 1:  Create a Page. Step 2:  Create a Region. Step 3:  Create a Checkbox item. Step 4:  Create List of Value. Go to Shared Components. Click on List of Values under other components. Click on Create option to create LOV from scratch. Choose LOV source as "From Scratch" Give valid name and choose LOV type as "Static" Enter Static Display Values as below, Click on Edit icon and copy and paste below HTML code, which will change the color of display value.          HTML Code: < span title = "#DISPLAY_VALUE#" aria-label = "#DISPLAY_VALUE#" > < span style = "color:green;font-weight:bold;font-style:italic" > #DISPLAY_VALUE# </ span > </ span > Step 5:  Go to page item's list of values and choose fxgn_checkbox_values (LOV) from shared components and set it. Step 5:  Go to Page item's security and set Escape Special Char...

[DBMS_CRYPTO] Data Encryption and Decryption in Oracle

Encryption: The process of converting information or data into a code, especially to prevent unauthorized access. Decryption:  The conversion of encrypted data into its original form is called Decryption . It is generally a reverse process of encryption . It decodes the encrypted information so that an authorized user can only decrypt the data because decryption requires a secret key or password . Here I am giving an example to encrypt and decrypt the data in Oracle using the  DBMS_CRYPTO  package. DBMS_CRYPTO  provides an interface to encrypt and decrypt stored data, and can be used in conjunction with PL/SQL programs running network communications. To demonstrate this, I have created the following function to return the encrypted and decrypted data. Step 1: Create function to return encrypted raw as below, CREATE OR REPLACE  FUNCTION encrypt_string (p_string VARCHAR2) RETURN RAW AS    l_key        VARCHAR2 (2000) := '1234567890...

Friendly URL: Redirect to Different Page after Login in Oracle APEX 20.1

Oracle has updated to APEX 20.1 which includes among other features the new Friendly URL option. Here i am giving an example to redirect to different page after login in Oracle APEX 20.1 [Friendly URL Enabled] Step 1: Define home page for each user in emp master table as below Step 2: To enable Friendly URL Syntax, follow below steps, 1) On the Workspace home page, click the App Builder icon. 2) Select an application (The Application home page appears). 3) From Application home page, you can access the Definition page in TWO ways: Click the Edit Application Properties button. From Shared Components:              1) Click Shared Components .              2) Under Application Logic, click Application Definition Attributes . The Definition page appears. 4) Under Properties, configure the Friendly URL s attribute: Click Apply Changes to save your ch...