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Friendly URL: Redirect to Different Page after Login in Oracle APEX 20.1

Oracle has updated to APEX 20.1 which includes among other features the new
Friendly URL option.

Here i am giving an example to redirect to different page after login in Oracle APEX 20.1 [Friendly URL Enabled]

Step 1: Define home page for each user in emp master table as below

Step 2: To enable Friendly URL Syntax, follow below steps,

1) On the Workspace home page, click the App Builder icon.
2) Select an application (The Application home page appears).
3) From Application home page, you can access the Definition page in TWO ways:
  • Click the Edit Application Properties button.
  • From Shared Components:
             1) Click Shared Components.
             2) Under Application Logic, click Application Definition Attributes.

The Definition page appears.

4) Under Properties, configure the Friendly URLs attribute:
Click Apply Changes to save your changes.

Step 3: Check home page for the application

Step 4: Create before header plsql process in application home page, it will take user to respective page.

  l_home_page  NUMBER;
  l_page_alias VARCHAR2(255);
-- Get home page of login user
    SELECT home_page
    INTO l_home_page
    FROM fxgn_emp
    WHERE upper(ename)= upper(:app_username);
  WHEN others THEN
    l_home_page := 9999; -- login page
-- Get page alias from apex view [To construct secured URL, we need page alias instead of page id]  
    SELECT LOWER(page_alias)
    INTO l_page_alias
    FROM apex_application_pages
    WHERE application_id = v('APP_ID')
    AND page_id          = l_home_page;
  WHEN others THEN
    l_page_alias := l_home_page;
  -- owa_util.redirect_url('f?p=&APP_ID.:'||l_home_page||':&APP_SESSION.'); -- When friendly URL disabled
  apex_util.redirect_url (p_url => l_page_alias||'?session='||'&APP_SESSION.'); -- If friendly URL enabled

That's it. Happy APEXing.

Friendly URL Hierarchy and Syntax;



http: stands for HyperText Transfer Protocol and operates at the application layer.

hostname is the domain name of the server. It can also include a port number or an IP address.

port is the port number assigned when configuring Oracle REST Data Services.

ords is the service name defined when configuring Oracle REST Data Services.

properties is the path_prefix which is nothing but work space name.

r is the router shortcut. This value is a constant and should never be changed.

leasing is the app_alias. 

manage-units is the page_alias. 

?session=18763029447245 identifies the session ID. When you run an application, the Application Express engine generates a session number that serves as a key to the user's session state.

About URL Parameters:

http://hostname:port/ords/path_prefix/r/app_alias/page_alias?parameters (Such as -



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