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Tool-tip with Image in Oracle APEX Report

I have built this tool-tip with image feature for one of my customer and they were very happy about it, So here I am giving an elegant way for adding tool-tip with image in Oracle APEX Report using Jquery.

Tool-tip: The tool-tip, also known as info tip or hint, is a common graphical user interface element in which, when hovering over a screen element or component, a text box displays information about that element (such as a description of a button's function, or what an abbreviation stands for). The tool tip is displayed continuously as long as the user hovers over the element.

Step 1: Create table and populate some sample records.

CREATE TABLE fxgn_documents (document_id NUMBER PRIMARY KEY, 
                             sequence_no NUMBER, 
                             file_name   VARCHAR2(240),
                             file_url    VARCHAR2(4000),
                             updated_by VARCHAR2(240), 
                             updated_on TIMESTAMP);

INSERT INTO fxgn_documents VALUES (1, 1, 'Image 1', :p_img_url,'Admin',LOCALTIMESTAMP);
INSERT INTO fxgn_documents VALUES (2, 2, 'Image 2', :p_img_url,'Admin',LOCALTIMESTAMP);
INSERT INTO fxgn_documents VALUES (3, 3, 'Image 3', :p_img_url,'Admin',LOCALTIMESTAMP);
INSERT INTO fxgn_documents VALUES (4, 4, 'Image 4', :p_img_url,'Admin',LOCALTIMESTAMP);
INSERT INTO fxgn_documents VALUES (5, 5, 'Image 5', :p_img_url,'Admin',LOCALTIMESTAMP);
INSERT INTO fxgn_documents VALUES (6, 6, 'Image 6', :p_img_url,'Admin',LOCALTIMESTAMP);


Step 2: Function Call: Create a function tooltip_with_image. If you want to render it in multiple places, it would be good practice to put this code in a package and call it in your query.

Sample function in a package called fxgn_general.

create or replace FUNCTION tooltip_with_image(
      p_img_id     NUMBER,
      p_img_name   VARCHAR2,
      p_img_link   VARCHAR2,
      p_img_width  NUMBER,
      p_img_height NUMBER )
    l_return CLOB;
    l_return := '<!doctype html>
                <html lang="en">
                <meta charset="utf-8">  
                <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">  
                <link rel="stylesheet" href="//
                <script src=""></script>  
                <script src=""></script>  
                $(document).ready(function() {   
                $("#content_'||p_img_id||'").html(''<a id="data_'||p_img_id||'" 
href="#" title="">'||p_img_name ||'</a>'');    
                $("#content_'||p_img_id||' #data_'||p_img_id||'").tooltip({ content: 
''<img src="'||p_img_link||'" style="width:'||nvl(p_img_width,250)||
'px; height:'||nvl(p_img_height,175)||'px;" />''});
                <div id="content_'||p_img_id||'">    
    RETURN l_return;
  END tooltip_with_image;

This function has 5 parameters,

p_img_id - Primary key field value.
p_img_name - Name of the image, that will be displayed as field value in the report.
p_img_link - It will be displayed in the tool-tip as image.
p_img_width - To adjust the width of the image.
p_img_height - To adjust the height of the image.

Step 3: Create a new blank page.

Note: Mine was page 10. You will need to update reference to "P10" with your page number if it's different.

Step 4: Create a "Classical Report" region to the page using below script. (You can use any of the reports)

SELECT sequence_no, 
       fxgn_general.tooltip_with_image (sequence_no, file_name, file_url, 250, 175) 
       AS file_name, 
   FROM fxgn_documents 
ORDER BY sequence_no ASC;

Step 4: Go to column attribute of the column FILE_NAME and set Escape special characters = No.

Output: Then your output would then display like this,

The demo is here.

Happy APEXing!!!...



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