To integrate Oracle APEX with Google Maps | Find Your Location, I have followed below steps. Step 1: Google API Key must be obtained. Get Google API Key . Step 2: Create static region with two page hidden items p1_latitude, p1_longitude and region button (Find My Location). Note: Button action should be "Defined by Dynamic Action". Step 3: Create static region with static ID: googlemap . Step 4: Add custom CSS in Inline CSS . #googlemap { height: 600px !important; } Note: Normal Page - Height: 600px; | Modal Dialog - Height: 400px;. Step 5: Add below js in Page HTML Header. <script > var map; function initMap() { map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById(' googlemap '), { center...
by Karkuvelraja Thangamariappan ♠ (@tkarkuvelraja)