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Showing posts from February, 2021

Logo Cards in Oracle APEX

Fig 1:  Logo Cards Here I am giving an elegant way for displaying logos (images) as cards using  Oracle APEX  classical report. This has been inspired by .  Cards:  A card is any type of custom element used for easy showing of contents that comprises various types of objects like title, image, button, etc. These cards could be anything like CSS material based cards, blog-based cards, business cards, informative cards or analytical cards and etc. Step 1: Create list of below required objects by using below script.              1. Table - Store the data              2. Sequence - Generate the primary key value              3. Trigger - Fire the action, when DML operations happening on the table Table: (fxgn_customer_logos) CREATE   TABLE  fxgn_customer_logos    (     logo_id     ...

Displaying Multiple Columns in Oracle APEX Popup LOV

Fig 1: Multiple Columns Popup LOV Here I am giving an elegant way for displaying multiple columns in  Oracle APEX  Popup LOV. This has been inspired by Oracle E-Business Suite.  List of Values:  A List of Values is a static or dynamic definition used to display a specific type of page item, such as popup lists of values, a select list, a check box, a radio group, or multiple select lists. Step 1: Keep your LOV query ready. SELECT  emp . ename employee ,        emp . empno ,        dept . dname department ,        emp . job ,        mgr . ename  manager ,         to_char ( emp . hiredate , 'DD-Mon-RRRR' )  hire_date ,         to_char (( nvl ( emp . sal , 0 )  +  nvl ( emp . comm , 0 )),   '999G999G999G999G990D00' )  ...

Displaying the File Type Icon in Oracle APEX Reports

When a file gets uploaded, the icon of the file type is displayed without opening the file. This has been inspired by Microsoft - Outlook. Here I am giving an elegant way for displaying the file type icon in Oracle APEX reports. Step 1:  Create a table by using below script, CREATE   TABLE  ebs_project_files    (       id              NUMBER ,      project_id     NUMBER ,      filename       VARCHAR2 ( 4000 ),      file_mimetype  VARCHAR2 ( 512 ),      file_charset   VARCHAR2 ( 512 ),      file_blob      BLOB ,      file_comments  VARCHAR2 ( 4000 ),      created_on     TIMESTAMP   ( 6 ) ...

Oracle SQL Aggregated CASE Expressions Vs PIVOT

I had a question on my mind that, which is the most efficient way to print totals and subtotals in a single row.  I was thinking PIVOT would be the significant way compare to case statement. Let's see which is more efficient way to do that? Here I am giving an example to write a SQL query that performs a aggregate functions (count, sum, avg and etc) of a column while including case statement. Step 1:  Create DEPT table which will be the parent table of the EMP table. DROP TABLE dept; ------------------------------------------------------------ CREATE TABLE dept  (    deptno NUMBER(2,0),    dname  VARCHAR2(14 BYTE),    loc    VARCHAR2(13 BYTE),    CONSTRAINT pk_dept PRIMARY KEY (deptno) ENABLE   ); Step 2:   Insert row into DEPT table using named columns. INSERT INTO dept (deptno,dname,loc) VALUES (10,'ACCOUNTING','NEW YORK'); INSERT INTO dept (deptno,dname,loc) VALUES (20,'RESEARCH','DALLAS'); INSERT IN...