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Displaying the File Type Icon in Oracle APEX Reports

When a file gets uploaded, the icon of the file type is displayed without opening the file. This has been inspired by Microsoft - Outlook. Here I am giving an elegant way for displaying the file type icon in Oracle APEX reports.

Step 1: Create a table by using below script,

CREATE TABLE ebs_project_files
     id            NUMBER,
     project_id    NUMBER,
     filename      VARCHAR2(4000),
     file_mimetype VARCHAR2(512),
     file_charset  VARCHAR2(512),
     file_blob     BLOB,
     file_comments VARCHAR2(4000),
     created_on    TIMESTAMP (6) WITH local TIME zone,
     created_by    VARCHAR2(255),
     updated_on    TIMESTAMP (6) WITH local TIME zone,
     updated_by    VARCHAR2(255),

Step 2: Populate some records on ebs_project_files.

Step 3: Create a new blank page.

Step 4: Create a new Classical Report region to the page. (Refer below script)

       '<span class="t-Icon file-icon fa '
       || Decode(Substr(Upper(data.filename), -4), '.PPT',
                                                   '.XLS', 'fa-file-excel-o',
                                                   '.DOC', 'fa-file-word-o',
                                                   '.PDF', 'fa-file-pdf-o',
                                                   '.GIF', 'fa-file-image-o',
                                                   '.PNG', 'fa-file-image-o',
                                                   '.JPG', 'fa-file-image-o',
          Decode(Substr(Upper(data.filename), -5), '.PPTX',
                                                   '.XLSX', 'fa-file-excel-o',
                                                   '.DOCX', 'fa-file-word-o',
                                                   '.TIFF', 'fa-file-image-o',
       || '"></span>'                                              AS icon,
               lower(Nvl(epf.updated_by, epf.created_by)) last_action_by,
               Nvl(epf.updated_on, epf.created_on) last_action_on
        FROM   ebs_project_files epf
        ORDER  BY created_on DESC) data
WHERE  rownum <= 10; -- Print only 10 records for test purpose

Step 5: Go to report attribute ICON and set Escape special characters = Yes

Step 6: Change the style of the icon by adding below CSS to the page in inline CSS section.

Go to Page => CSS => Inline

.file-icon.fa-file-o {
    padding: 4px 8px;
    text-align: center;
    color: #FFF;
    border-radius: 2px;

.file-icon.fa-file-powerpoint-o {
    color: #D24726;

.file-icon.fa-file-excel-o {
    color: #217345;

.file-icon.fa-file-word-o {
    color: #2A579A;

.file-icon.fa-file-pdf-o {
    color: #F40700;

Output: Then your output would then display like this,
The demo is here.

That's it.

Happy APEXing!!!...



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